Jul 12, 2011

Shell shaker

We visited again the beautiful place of Lake Sebu. The waterfalls current is strong and it seems so angry. It passes like a loud thunder roar. I saw some group of people looking for some stones under the fast moving current of waters. So I looked and observed that they are looking for shells. I observed them closely as the woman continue to grab some amount of sands and there you are some small shells .Mind you that the shells collected are just enough for a decent meal. The shells they are getting is very small. I asked them how much does it cost for them to sell a plastic container. She sells it 20 pesos. So as she continues to dig in. She used some kind of net.

I noticed a man also digging some of it but without a net . I asked him if he selling it .He replied he just wanted to try some of it for viand later on. It free for all. As the strong current of water continues the shell shakers make their day. It was a pleasant day to look for some honest income for a day.

        This is the shells looks like inside her net. She will sell this in the nearby local market . She will buy some rice and vegetables for family for the incoming days. It seems to be a very tiring day with a decent work. As long as the falls fall its water, I know you will see her every now and then.


  1. Members (227)follow me back please

  2. good day, care for exchange link, i already added you in my blog roll http://cs-lyrics123.blogspot.com/

    God bless

  3. wow, i've do something like when i was kid here around jakarta. :) makkul.com

  4. :) reminds me of the province.

  5. reminded me when I was young looking for some shells at the bank of river

  6. wow the shells looks very good! it's one of my favorite food! where is that by the way? :)

  7. Hello Chloe! :) I am now following your blog and I put your link on my blogroll. Hope you do the same. :) take care. hit me on my cbox or comment :)

  8. I eat that a lot when I was in Camiguin Island :D

  9. when i was a little boy, i do same like that pictures. jakarta old years there are many kangkung fields in my village and many found yellow clams we named is kerang kuning.. :D

  10. Shell shaker is good articel,,, link exchange please
